Jerusalem and Rome

Google Earth have brought out an exciting “Fly into Rome as it looked in 320 A.D.” animation. You can see it here. Below is a snapshot digital reconstruction of the Colosseum:

If you don’t have Google Earth, you can download it for free here.

With thanks to Justin Taylor, who alerted me to this.

9 thoughts on “Jerusalem and Rome”

  1. feature not found
    i do have the latest version
    how do i make it reveal itself?

  2. JPvanderG and njs
    I don’t know why you can’t link to the page. It may depend on which browser you use, but for me it works in both Safari and Firefox. The web page is:
    There you can see the YouTube animation and download Google Earth as well.

  3. I am having the same problem. I am not able to find the composite – are there more instructions?

  4. I am glad to see that I am not alone in not being able to find Ancient Jerusalem in Google Earth. Ancient Rome, yes, Ancient Jerusalem, no.

  5. Sorry that Google Earth “Jerusalem” didn’t work and I have taken it off the blog site. It must have been a leftover from a previous job I did a while ago and peculiar to my computer only.

  6. Professor Louis Feldman of Yeshiva University has discovered the inscription (actually the “shadows” of letters that have since been stripped off) on the side of the Colosseum that states that it was built with the spoils of the Temple. So there’s a link there…

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