David Instone-Brewer of Tyndale House has created an enormously useful website for the study of Rabbinic Texts.
It is now easy to look up most of the early rabbinic legal texts. The rabbinic texts were among the first to be digitised and there are some wonderful tools, but the good ones cost a lot of money and aren’t very friendly.
So I made the RabbinicTraditions.com site for myself. It is quick to use and more powerful than most, and has proved so valuable that I’m making it available to everyone.
You can freely read the texts of the Hebrew Bible, the Mishnah, Tosephta and the Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmuds. For a small fee per year or for life, you can fully search these texts.
The study of the Mishnah, in particular the tractate Middot, has helped enormously in my study of the Temple Mount and has made it possible to locate the pre-Herodian Square Temple Mount, shown in yellow in the illustration below: