Special Offer from Carta

Carta Jerusalem offers the new Jerusalem – Biblical Archaeology map for free with the purchase of one of three books mentioned below, including The Quest. In addition, each of the three titles can be purchased for 20% off the list price, i.e. $48.00 instead of $60.00. This excellent offer, which saves you almost $27.00 is valid until the 31st of January, 2017. When ordering, all you need to do is click on the Voucher code: 20-OFF, and the map will be added for free.

The three titles are:

4 thoughts on “Special Offer from Carta”

  1. Will be in Israel in about three weeks. Is there a bookstore there where these can be purchased

  2. Our books are for sale in any good book shop, such as Steimatzky. You can also buy it directly from Carta, 11 Rivka Street,
    Jerusalem 9102401, Israel, Phone:972-2-678 3355.

  3. Would you comment on how The Quest: Revealing the Temple Mount is similar to or different from Jerusalem: The Temple Mount? Thanks.

  4. Ted,

    Jerusalem: The Temple Mount is very different from The Quest. In The Quest I have set out the historical development of the Temple Mount, using all the available archaeological evidence and historical information. The new book is first and foremost a guide book, see: http://www.ritmeyer.com/online-store/books/jerusalem-the-temple-mount/ The guide book also has many new drawings, especially of Mount Moriah and how the site developed. It also has a new analysis of the Golden Gate. Whereas The Quest is more academic in its approach, the guide book is more practical to show yourself around with.
    Hope this helps.

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