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2 thoughts on “Contact us”

  1. Dear Brother Leen, I forgot to congratulate for the nice pictures in the ESV Study Bible. Also an interesting tool on line with the registration facility. (It works easier than the Librinox Logos system I also have, but is much more difficult to use.) I prefer on that matter Importantia’s OnlineBible (a somewhat wrong name for a very good program of which we offer a basic version to our readers, and Cd’s can get Daily reading Notes modules from us for free) Next I use also E-Sword, The Sword, The Word and some others which seem more interesting for good Bible Study then Glo which really looks a very nice gadget and something very attractive for newcomers and laymen on the Bible and its history. It would be great if your drawings would also be incorporated in the Online Bible Software program, and we could use them in our magazines. So perhaps you could come to arrangements with the makers. (Or when you have made modules for that system yourself they also would be welcome by us.)
    Lots to think of.
    Success with your work.
    Yours faithfully,
    Marcus & Belgian Christadelphians

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