National Geographic magazine’s feature article for the December 2010 edition is devoted to “David and Solomon — Kings of Controversy” and asks “Was the Kingdom of David and Solomon a glorious empire—or just a little cow town? It depends on which archaeologist you ask.”
It is difficult to determine if the archaeological remains do indeed belong to David’s Palace, but the location is a logical one. Long before Eilat Mazar’s controversial dig started, I already made a reconstruction drawing of David’s Palace, based on the results of Yigal Shiloh’s excavations in Area G. This drawing is one of the many images in our new Image Library.
HT: Joe Lauer
Dear Sir,
Do you have a copy of “Solomon’s Palace” without the e-mail address across the front?
I just needed it to use once to show my Bible class what 1 Kings 7 looked like.
You have done excellent work on your depictions. Good web site.
Once you order the image, you will receive a powerpoint size one (1024×768 dpi) without the copyright sign.