Barnea Levi Selavan sends this program of the upcoming conference in the City of David.
September 8th, 2011
6.30 – Entry
7pm Aharon Horowitz, Yuval Baruch, Evyatar Cohen (two varying options concerning dating of tunnel)
Y Garfinkel – thoughts about the Kingdom of Judah
R Reich and E Shukron – new look at Shiloach tunnel dating
I Finkelstein- the large stone structure, facts vs yearnings
8.20 – Break
G Barkay – Bat Paro grave, a new look
Asher Grosberg – south section of Channel II, Shiloach, both of Hezekiah
Shukron and Reich – main Second Temple drainage channel, with completion of the southern section in 2011
HT: Jack Sasson