Apologies for not having blogged a while, but I was busy with projects. For those of you who had sad thoughts about my absence, these are unfounded, as this picture shows:
Received an invitation marking the 20th anniversary of the death of Prof. Nahman Avigad to be held on Wednesday February 15th, at the Ben-Zvi Institute, Rehavia, Jerusalem.
Working with Avigad on the restoration of the Cardo and the Herodian Villas in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem, I developed a deep appreciation for him. He was a kind person, meticulous in his work and research and willing to share his profound knowledge of archaeology and ancient architecture.
The evening will also mark the publication of the 5th Volume of the Jewish Quarter Excavation final report. This volume contains my contribution on “The Restoration of the Cardo” (chapter 3).
Here is the program:
16:00 Assembly
16:30–19:00 A. Mazar: Chairman and opening
Greetings: Joseph Aviram, President, Israel Exploration Society
Zeev Weiss, Head of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Institute of Archaeology
H. Geva: Publication of the finds from Avigad’s excavations in the Jewish Quarter
R. Reich: Second Temple period stone weights from the Upper City and from the Land of Israel
O. Sion: New finds from the time of Aelia Capitolina in the Jewish Quarter
O. Gutfeld: A new interpretation presented in the publication of the Cardo and Nea Church (Vol. 5 of the Jewish Quarter publications)
Y. Tsafrir: The Southwestern Hill from the destruction to the Muslim conquest.
I don’t know how to contact you directly so will ‘post a comment’! I wish to thank Leen and Kathleen for their wonderful little publication: “From Sinai To Jerusalem…. The Wanderings Of the Holy Ark.” It honestly brought tears to my eyes on several occasions to actually SEE the places through which the Ark journeyed. I am disabled and will never travel to Israel, but my heart is there and your book brought Israel into my home with such force tonight that I was quite overwhelmed! I had previously been confused by the seeming separation of the Ark from the Tabernacle but now I know it to be true. Seeing the view from Kiriath-jearim to Jerusalem was powerful and made the procession of King David suddenly come alive to me. And more powerful was the illustration which showed the line of vision from The Mount Of Olives to The Holy of Holies …… it made sense that Jesus, our High Priest, and also our Red Heifer, should be there in prayer and consecration before shedding His blood. I learned so much and enjoyed so much to see the actual sites of Israel. I truly thank you both. I value your education work and will now look out for other titles. Annette Miller [Australia] PS: I purchased your book on the Judaica web site.