In just a few days time, our Image Library (see introduction in previous post) should be online. Below are two samples to give a foretaste of its contents. All preview illustrations are watermarked, but these won’t appear on the downloads.
1. A reconstruction of Solomon’s Temple-Palace complex.
This drawing is a development of the plan of this religio-political complex which we supplied for the ESV Study Bible (p. 607). Here is the description that goes with the drawing of Solomon’s Temple-Palace complex in the Image Library:
According to 1 Kings 6 and 7, Solomon built a new Temple and Palace Complex on Mount Moriah. This schematic drawing shows an arrangement of the different buildings, based on parallels with similar complexes excavated elsewhere in the Middle East. The main entrance was through the Hall of Pillars (1 Kings 7.6), which was flanked by the Throne Hall (1 Kings 7.7) on the right, where Solomon judged, and the armoury, called the House of the Forest of Lebanon (1 Kings 7.2-5) on the left. In the centre of this complex is the palace, called Solomon’s House (1 Kings 7.8a), which had a separate wing for his wife, Pharaoh’s Daughter (1 Kings 7.8b). From a large courtyard in front of Solomon’s House, a special Royal Ascent (1 Kings 10.5 KJV) led up to the Temple (1 Kings 6), which lay on higher ground.
This drawing is annotated, but as with many of the other illustrations, a copy without annotations is also available for you to add your own.
2. Altar of Zeus at Pergamum
Located in modern-day Turkey, Pergamum (also known as Pergamon or Pergamos) was the third of the seven churches of Asia to receive a letter from Jesus Christ (Revelation 2.12-17).

Here is the description that goes with the image:
The Altar of Zeus stood on a terrace on the west side of the hill of Pergamum. In the 19th century, German excavators recovered many scattered remains of this altar and reconstructed it in the Pergamum Museum in Berlin. The altar consisted of a monumental stairway leading up to a colonnaded court where an altar for burnt offerings was located. A frieze, depicting a mythological battle between Greek gods and giants, runs round the structure. Superimposing a picture of this altar model on the site shows what an impressive building it was. Some scholars have suggested that this monument, which was an important center of pagan religion, constituted the “Throne of Satan” (Revelation 2:13). However, as Christians were mainly persecuted because of their refusal to worship the emperor, this “Throne of Satan” appears rather to refer to the Roman seat of government which was also located in Pergamum.