Ferrell Jenkins reports on what looks like fake tombs on a small plot of land near the Siloam Pool in Ancient Jerusalem:

They certainly look fake, as normally tombstones are added after first a stone or concrete enclosure has been constructed. In a previous post I wrote about this problem which appears to be a land grab. Ferrell writes:
Ancient burial places create serious problems for archaeologists. Ultra-Orthodox Jews often create a scene at digs when they know or suspect that there may be Jewish tombs in the area.
The cemeteries of the Holy Land have become a ground for religious and political skirmishes. Leen Ritmeyer reported on fake Arab tombs near the Temple Mount here.
Muslim tombs have been on the eastern wall of the Old City for a long time. This photo was made looking south from outside the Lion’s Gate (or St. Stephens’ Gate). Perhaps every reader knows that this is across the Kidron Valley from the Mount of Olives which we mentioned in the previous post.
In early February I noticed a large number of new tombstones with Arabic inscriptions in a small plot above the Pool of Siloam. Suspicious, to say the least.
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